It’s now possible to reduce the time and effort involved in veneer placement with a cement that supports homogeneous cement application, smooth veneer positioning, excess removal, and quick polishing
Veneers may be a highly sought-after cosmetic procedure, but it is one that is wrought with challenges for the clinician. Kuraray’s new PANAVIA Veneer LC cement tackles these obstacles head on, offering easy handling, quick cleanup, ideal working time, and high wear resistance. Dentists are finding that the light-cured cement delivers exceptional color stability and highly esthetic results for the permanent cementation of laminate veneers and for ceramic and composite inlays and onlays less than 2-mm thick.
Nano-Cluster Technology Offers Easier Application
This resin-based cement is designed for ideal consistency during application. PANAVIA Veneer LC will not stick to the application tip, which is one of the reasons dentists like Frederick Bonds, DDS, appreciate the cement. “Its handling properties are excellent,” said Dr. Bonds, who practices in Keego Harbor, MI, and was among a group of evaluators who tested the cement in their practices for several weeks and named it a Dental Product Shopper Best Product.
Kuraray says the newly developed spherical silica fillers in the cement provide stability while allowing flow when the veneer is seated on the tooth. This adds to the ease of placement, while also preventing drift or sagging of the veneer. In addition, the cement offers a long working time of 160 seconds (200 seconds when PANAVIA V5 Tooth Primer is used in conjunction with the cement). This can allow for simultaneous placement of multiple veneers when needed.
PANAVIA Veneer LC also provides great polishability and gloss retention support of esthetic margins over time.
Ideal Color Stability
Matching try-in pastes allows users to take into account the individual shade requirements and to simulate the outcome. Practicing dentistry for nearly 40 years, Dr. Bonds has been frustrated by the lack of consistency with try-in paste colors when placing veneers. After using PANAVIA Veneer LC, his frustration was replaced with excitement because he found the system offers excellent paste color stability, in addition to being easy to use and clean up. There are 4 esthetic shades available—clear, universal, white, and brown—helping to ensure lifelike results.
Faster Treatment, Great Esthetics
Kuraray promotes this cement as an ideal solution for challenging tasks, offering that it is possible to reduce the time and effort involved in veneer placement with PANAVIA Veneer LC. Dr. Bonds agrees, stating that he received “great esthetic results with faster bonding times.” Dr. Bonds added that the cement provided “excellent polishability” and said his patients were happy with the results. “This cement does exactly what it says it will do, and is really easy to use,” he said.